致天堂里的Anacreon 您所在的位置:网站首页 made in heaven歌词中文 致天堂里的Anacreon


2023-10-08 01:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

"The Anacreontic Song", also known by its incipit "To Anacreon in Heaven", was the official song of the Anacreontic Society, an 18th-century gentlemen's club of amateur musicians in London. Composed by John Stafford Smith, the tune was later used by several writers as a setting for their patriotic lyrics. These included two songs by Francis Scott Key, most famously his poem "Defence of Fort McHenry". The combination of Key's poem and Smith's composition became known as "The Star-Spangled Banner", which was adopted as the national anthem of the United States of America in 1931.(From Wikipedia)

Anacreon之歌,又被称为致天堂里的Anacreon,是Anacreontic Society的官方歌曲,Anacreon Society是一个十八世纪的由业余音乐家组成的绅士俱乐部。最早由约翰·斯坦福·史密斯编写,这个曲谱之后被几位作家用于爱国(指美国)歌曲填词创作。其中包括两位由弗兰西斯·斯科特·基创作,他最著名的一首诗是”MCHenry要塞保卫战“。这个由基作词、史密斯作曲的作品被广泛知晓为”闪烁着星光的旗帜“,并且在1931年被美利坚合众国认定为国歌。(来自维基百科)

本歌词适用于Douglas Jimerson演唱版本。







[ti:To Anacreon in heaven(致天堂的阿娜克列翁)]

[ar:Douglas Jimerson]




[00:05.08]翻译:混合百度翻译  英文歌词来自wikipedia

[00:07.04]B站所流传版本在网易云名称为anacreon song 

[00:09.50]To Anacreon in heaven where he sat in full glee(致在天堂性致盎然的阿那克里翁)

[00:16.500]A few sons of harmony sent a petition(几个子孙递上请愿)

[00:23.80]That he their inspirer and patron would be(愿他成为他们的赞助人和鼓舞者)

[00:29.50]When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian(当这位快乐的老希腊人的答案到来的时候)

[00:37.00]Voice fiddle aud flute no longer be mute(小提琴和长笛不再沉默)

[00:41.50]I'll lend you my name and inspire you to boot(“我将赐予你们我的名号,并鼓舞你们去做)

[00:49.00]And besides I'll instruct you like me to entwine(而且我会指导你们像我一样缠绵)

[00:57.00]The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine(就像酒神的藤蔓缠绕着美神的胡桃”)


[01:05.14]The news through Olympus immediately flew(这新闻飞过了奥林匹亚山)

[01:11.36]When old Thunder pretended to give himself airs(当老闪电故作姿态)

[01:16.94]If these mortals are suffered their scheme to pursue(如果这些凡人被他们的计划所折磨)

[01:22.71]The devil a goddess will stay above stairs(那魔鬼般的女神将旁观取乐)

[01:28.50]Hark already they cry in transports of joy(听吧,他们已经乐极生悲了)

[01:34.50]A fig for Parnassus! To Rowley's we'll fly;(诗人之山的无花果啊!我们将飞往罗利)

[01:41.00]And there my good fellows we'll learn to entwine(这些都是一起学习缠绵的好伙伴)


[01:55.73]The yellow-haired god and his nine fusty maids(黄头发的神和他的九个过时的女仆)

[02:02.00From the hill of old Lud will incontinent flee(从老路德的山上将失禁逃跑)

[02:08.26]Idalia will boast but of tenantless shades(伊达莉亚会夸耀她那无主的阴地)

[02:12.79]And the biforked hill a mere desert will be(而双叉山将成为沙漠)

[02:18.40]My thunder no fear on't so soon do it's errand(我的雷霆无所畏惧,办事麻利)

[02:23.68And damn me I'll swinge the ringleaders I warrant(还有该死的,我保证霹烂他们狗娘养的头目)

[02:30.00]I'lIl trim the young dogs for thus daring to twine(我要修整修整这些胆敢缠绵的狗崽子)


[02:43.94]Apollo rose up and said Prythee ne'er quarrel(阿波罗站起来说请您不要再吵了)

[02:50.45]"Good King of the Gods, with my Vot'ries below:(尊敬的诸神之王,请听我接下来的话)

[02:56.31]"Your Thunder is useless"—then shewing his Laurel,(“你的电火花鸟用没有”-并展示了他的桂冠)

[03:00.91]Cry'd "Sic evitabile fulmen, you know!(嘲笑道“这能免疫你的雷击,你懂的”)

[03:07.70]"Then over each head。"My Laurels I'll spread;(我将为他们每个人都戴上我的桂冠)

[03:12.51]"So my Sons from your Crackers no Mischief shall dread,(这样我的孩子们便不再用怕你的奸邪诡计)

[03:19.14]"Whilst snug in their Club-Room, they jovially twine(使他们得以在舒适的俱乐部中寻欢作乐)


[03:35.45]Next Momus got up with his risible Phiz,(接着 摩摩斯嬉皮笑脸地走进来了)

[03:39.76]And swore with Apollo he'd chearfully join—(并对阿波罗发誓说他要愉悦的加入)

[03:46.00]"The full Tide of Harmony still shall be his,(那和谐的浪潮是他的)

[03:50.54]"But the Song, and the Catch, and the Laugh shall be mine.(但是欢歌笑语打情骂俏是咱们的)

[03:56.38]"Then, Jove, be not jealous."Of these honest fellows."(哦,宙斯你莫要嫉妒这些诚实的家伙)

[04:01.88]Cry'd Jove, "We relent, since the Truth you now tell us;(宙斯哭着说:“好吧,我懂了,好吧你们说得对”)

[04:06.70]"And swear by Old Styx, that they long shall intwine(以恒古的冥河起誓,他们将永远的缠绵在一起)


[04:23.00]Ye Sons of Anacreon, then join Hand in Hand;(阿那克里翁的孩子们呐,手拉手加入进来罢)

[04:30.00]Preserve Unanimity, Friendship, and Love!(保持一致,友谊和爱!)

[04:36.00]'Tis your's to support what's so happily plann'd;(这是你们的责任,去支持这幸福的计划;)

[04:42.00]You've the sanction of Gods, and the Fiat of Jove.(你们已经得到了宙斯的认可)

[04:48.00]While thus we agree,Our Toast let it be.(虽然我们赞同,还是让我们的祝酒自然一些吧。)

[04:54.00]May our Club flourish happy, united, and free!(愿我们的俱乐部兴旺发达,快乐,团结,自由!)

[05:01.00]And long may the Sons of Anacreon intwine(愿阿那克里翁的子孙们能够长久的缠绵)







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